Thursday, August 6, 2009

In all Honesty

Today has been one of those days, one of the ones you plan for and yet at the end somehow find yourself blown away. One of those days you are amazed, humbled, challenged, and drained. Today I found myself doing what I love, teaching children how to brush their teeth and enjoying every sweaty second of games. After french we went out to Sector 30 once again, but this time to distribute toothbrushes to the Compassion International children, my goal for today was that I would be able to do a presentation in french for these children on how to brush their teeth and I succeeded. I feel like all the language study I have been doing is paying off. Tonight was also bible study for the 'interns' and it never fails that every week I am blown away once again by the power of prayer. We are studying a book titled "Intercessory Prayer" by Dutch Sheets and every night I leave with a heavier burden to be on my knees. I have learned so much in these past two weeks about releasing the power of God through our prayers. I have also been asking God to make me a woman of prayer and to continuously lay people on my heart and in my path to pray for. There are a few that I want to share here and ask you to join me in praying for them, praying specifically that Satan would be bound in their lives and that God would give them dreams and visions of who he is.
-Virginie's Husband:
Virginie is our wonderful house girl who came to know and love Christ at some point in her recent past and is married (by culture) to a man who is a very obedient Muslim. In October they are getting legally married and it has been really difficult for her to live with someone who is not a believer. His family also despises Virginie and she desperately wants for them to come to know Christ.

-My Parents

He is my french professor, an incredibly delightful and enthusiastic man to be around. He is a devoted Muslim as well but I desperately think that the Lord is working on his heart and trying to capture his devotion. Almost every student Momani has had has been an American Christian Missionary and I would just ask that you pray the same for him. I am hoping to have him help me with my testimony and the Gospel in french, pray for those things to speak loudly to his heart.

Also be in prayer as this next week is the Field Forum and I am leading the Children's program. The end of field forum means that I need to have made alot of decisions based on ministry and where I want my time to be spent serving. I have alot of options right now and I really need guidance in where to serve. (I will keep you updated on that as soon as things get set in place)

1 comment:

  1. I am taking time to pray right now, so I won't forget! Love you!
