Monday, June 15, 2009

Scented Soap

These past few days have been quite a challenge for men and I have been doing almost anything to keep my mind off of the transition (ie. rearranging the living room furniture) I am about to make. Now don't get me wrong I am thrilled about moving to Africa but all of the necessary steps leading up to it seem to be too heavy for me to take some days. It's all quickly approaching though and I know that I need to get in gear over these last 2 weeks.
These past few days have not only been mentally challenging but spiritually challenging as well. The other night at church we were talking about James 5, where he is talking about accumulating wealth. I was challenged by looking at my life and determining what in my life was necessity and what was luxury. I went to the restroom and began washing my hands when the aroma of the soap hit me and I thought 'mhmmmm this smells good,' and then I realized that even the fact that I would spend $3 extra dollars to have scented soap is a luxury many cannot afford. I began tearing about the small areas of my life realizing that a lot of what I was living in was luxury compared to 3/4 of the world. I don't' want to "have spent my years on earth in luxury, satisfying my every desire." (James 5:5) I was challenged to hand even these areas of my life over to God and trust that He would provide exactly as I needed.
Now don't think I came home and threw away everything I had but I was quite challenged to stop living in such excess and begin living in simplicity knowing that the Lord will provide everything I need, but maybe not everything I want.

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