Friday, July 31, 2009

Pate d'arachide

Three times a week I have french conversation with Virginie. This week we have been working on kitchen and cooking terms, so we decided to actually make the recipe we were coming up with. Pate d'arachide is a traditional african sauce eaten on rice. Pate d'arachide means peanut butter, so basically we made a peanut butter sauce. Since we were already in the African cooking spirit we decided to make a traditional african drink as well, Beesap. Beesap is a type of flower found here that when dried is placed in water and left to soak and after a few hours you add mint to it.
Here is Virginie and I making the Beesap.

Here is the Pate d'arachide in the cooking process

Voila! Everything is finished and was delicious!

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